Satori Mental Wellness

Company Branding & Visual Identity • Superior Package

Satori is a Japanese word that means a moment of total enlightenment-- therapies can provide this same moment of enlightenment. The Satori Mental Wellness mission is to change the way people view and approach therapy. The goal of the branding is to gently encourage people to see the benefit of maintaining and healing their mental health and for it to become a desired, “cool” topic. The company will educate and allow individuals to experience all the various ways to receive therapeutic wellness.


The “Satori Mental Wellness” logo symbolizes balance and reflection. It represents the tranquility and satisfaction you may feel when immersed in healing your mental health. The line below the “O” represents self reflection. It also represents stability as the “O” teeters at an angle on top of the line to find its inner balance. The company identity is a safe space for the companies clientele


Michelle Law Interior Design

